Knockout Entrepreneur - Sunday Book Review
Title: Knockout Entrepreneur
Author: George Foreman with Ken Abraham
Published by : Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee; 2009
Pages: 237
When I heard about this great concept about giving books to bloggers for free in exchange for a review, I jumped at the opportunity. I have always been a book person, as they never hurt you and when there are no friends around they keep you company. Well after joining this program and browsing through the books on offer, I selected a book by the boxing legend - George Foreman. Now, boxing isn't big here in India (Cricket rules), so I did not know what to expect. It took about 3 weeks for the book to arrive, and the more I waited, the more I regretted opting for the book. Thoughts like, What will i do with it?, Will it be any good?, Will I understand any of the writing? etc.. started swirling in my head.
When it arrived last week, I was pleasantly surprised at the thought behind the book!! As the author says on the first page -
this book is about success and significance -not just mine, but yours!
George Foreman for me was a boxer who made umpteen comebacks in his career, apart from that I knew nothing of his life. So it was with trepidation that I began reading this book. I thought what will this athlete know about successful business? The few athletes I knew who set shop didn't last for long. But after turning a few pages and delving into the written word, I was hooked and read through the various somewhat unimaginative chapter titles such as "Pain is the Middle Name of the Game" or "You Gotta Make' Em Love" and other such. The writing though is very stress free and easy to understand.
There are not many breakthrough ideas though; just practical daily thoughts which most of us do not seem to have! The good thing about this book , is the matter of fact presentation of the authors failures and how he saw an opportunity in them to succeed. This is very much highlighted, when he loses his final boxing game, but uses it as an opportunity to hard sell his Barbecue Grill.
This Book obtained from Booksneeze for free |
This book is quite good and might help each one of us to look at things differently and turn failure into success. A welcome addition to a range of books in my library, though definitely not in the same league as books such as The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari and such.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their
BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the
Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”